
Andrey Andreev

I am a young cheerful person. Easy to communicate and attentive to details. Creative, active and inspiring. I know how to teach by communicating complex things in simple language. Oratorical skills and a sense of humor are present. Hardworking and responsible. I like to learn new things. I can easily switch between tasks. But I like to work submerged until I complete the task.


  1. GitHub ................................................................................... [ GAME Snake, Java 8 ]
  2. My First Web ....................................................................... [ Bootstrap, HTML 5, CSS 3 ]
  3. Behance ............................................................................... [ Behance ]
  4. Selling Videos - Vegas PRO .......................................... [ Vegas PRO ]
  5. Adobe Illustrator ............................................................... [ Adobe Illustrator ]

Work Experience

Self-education Freelance

from May 2019 | Russia
  • I started learning Java in may 2019. After studying the basic knowledge, I became interested in website design. I studied basic knowledge of creating websites. Then I was attracted to creating games. I learned basic knowledge in creating games. I liked it more! I realized that in creating games, I can most of all realize myself, because there you need to create 3D characters (which I really liked during my training in 3D modeling) also there you need to write code to animate the characters and the game scenario (which also attracts me!!!), and there is also an opportunity to create sites and pages with ads about the project(game) and decided to stop there. Now I'm doing illustration. It inspires me and makes me happy. I get great pleasure when I create something.
    I will be happy to accept an offer in any of my mastered areas or a new one for myself, with the possibility of training.

Moderator Tour Agency City.Travel

August 2015-March 2020 | Russia
  • Analysis of hotels in the company's program
  • "I called it putting things in order"

head of production Department JSC NPC GOI named after S. I. Vavilov

May 2010 - September 2017 | Russia
  • management 12-15 people
  • drawing up a production schedule
  • solving problems that arise in production
  • placement of details on cooperation


RSPU named after Herzen

faculty of Technology and Entrepreneurship

2002 - 2007 | Russia

  • thesis 5th year
  • Box for Grandma
  • Box for Grandma top view